Hi Bloggie, dah lama x update blog aku. Busy yang amat teruk dan kadang2 cepat letih sampai study pun dah takda masa. Tujuan aku update blog, sebab aku nak luahkn perasaan yang terbuku di dalam dada aku ni. Aku terlalu bingung,blur,kosong,??? dan etc. Aku tak tahu apa patut aku lakukan, aku sayangkan dia, aku nak jaga dia sampai lah saat dia jumpa orang yang betul2 dapat ganti tempat orang yang dia cintai sangat tu.
Untuk dia,
Please forgive me, sebab aku delete gambar2 dia dalam laptop kau. Tapi aku tahu kau ada simpan copy dia, aku tak nak kau terus upset. Sebab tu aku benci untuk jujur pada kau, aku tahu kau susah nak terima kenyataan dan kau perlukan masa yang agak panjang untuk melupakan kesedihan kau sikit2. Tapi aku tahu, selagi aku tak buat perkara tu, kau akan main dengan bayang2 kau sendiri, aku dah tak peduli kau nak marah aku atau benci kau sebab aku rasa, apa yang aku lakukan ni ada sebab yang baik untuk diri kau dan juga kesihatan kau. Kau akan jauh dengan aku, dan aku tak leh nampak kau, jika kau selalu ada disisi aku, aku akan jaga kau kawan. Seriously beberapa hari kita gaduh ni, aku memang sakit sangat2 lagi2 bila kau tikam aku dari belakang sebab aku tak jujur dengan kau juga. But for me, aku tunggu kau tanya aku keadaan yang sebenar yang berlaku, tapi kau ambik langkah pendek dan kau hancuskan hati aku kawan. Padahal niat aku cuma baik, takda nak menyakiti kau atau permainkan kau. Aku cuma nak jaga kau, aku cuma nak jaga kau, aku nak jaga kau. Sumpah! aku perlukan masa untuk mempercayai kau lagi. Susah untuk aku terima semua ni, sebab selama kita bersahabat aku tak pernah buat apa yang kau dah buat pada aku. Tapi honestly aku sangat sayangkan kau kawan, sangat2.
Aku nak minta maaf sangat2 sebab tak boleh jadi sahabat yang berguna untuk kau. Aku sakiti kau dari segi fizikal, aku rasa menyesal dan sangat2 bersalah. Aku tahu kau sakit kena pukul dan sepak terajang dari aku. Aku happy kau kesakitan masa tu, aku sepak kau macam bola, aku pijak kau, aku hentak kau, aku tumbuk kau. Tapi kau tak membalas, sumpah sangat2 sampai saat ini, air mata kau tak berhenti jatuh, ingat balik peristiwa 4/12/2011. Sangat malang bagi kau kan? Maafkan aku. Maafkan aku sebab lukai kau, saat aku bubuhkan ubat pada badan kau, aku nangis sebab selama ni aku sayang kau,aku lindungi kau, tapi kali ni aku lukai kau, masa aku bawa pisau tu, aku memang dah gila kawan, sebab aku dah temper sangat2. Tapi aku janji itu first and last aku lakukan kau macam binatang.
Aku dah bagi kau last chance kan, aku bagi, aku nak kau betulkan apa yang tak betul sama macam aku. Aku takkan tinggalkan kau macam mana sahabat baik aku dah pergi tinggalkan kita semua. Aku akan take over tanggungjawab tu. Kau akan ku jaga sampai bila2. Aku sayang kau sahabat, sangat2 sayang. Tq sebab hari ini kau cuci baju aku untuk pertama kalinya. Dan pertama kalinya kau tidur dulu sebelum aku. Tak sanggup aku ank kejutkan kau untuk study sama2. Aku nak kau dapat rehat yang cukup, tinggal lagi beberapa jam untuk kau balik ke kampus kau. Ingat bila kau dah sampai sana, ingat aku disini, aku akan jaga kau, aku takkan tinggalkan kau, bila2 masa kau perlukan aku just cari aku, 24jam aku ada untuk kau. Kau sekarang amat memerlukan seseorang yang kau trust. AKU AKAN JAGA KAU MACAM MANA DIA JAGA KAU YE MY BFF!!!!! Aku sedih sebab kau nangis tengok gambar dia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Aku tak boleh lihat kau terus2 macam ni, aku terpaksa ambik langkah untuk delete, jangan terus2 marah aku sebab aku delete aku cuma taknak kau jadi lebih teruk, aku sayang kau, aku nak kau tumpu study. Aku janji cuti sem aku bawa kau jalan2 tenangkan fikiran okey. Kali ini kita pergi Langkawi ye sayang. Aku sayang kau tahu tak kawan??? :'(((
Ya Allah, lindungi sahabat aku ini di mana saja dia berada, tabahkan hatinya. Ampunkn segala dosa2ku dan dosa2nya. Teguhkan Imannya dalam agamamu. Jangan kau ambil dia jika dia belum sempat membalas jasa kedua orang tuanya. Dan jaga kau ambil aku sebelum aku belum lihat dia gembira disisi orang yang dia kasihi dan cintai. Ya Allah, aku mohon pada mu Ya Rabb...sentiasa ada disisinya ya Allah seperti mana aku selalu berdoa kepadaMu. Ya Allah kuatkan hatinya,kuatkan dirinya untuk tempuh segala dugaan yang Engkau berikan. Amin Ya Rabbal Al-amin.
Aku sayang kau sangat2, macam mana pun layanan aku terhadap kau, aku sayang kau. Ingat aku! jangan buat lagi kesalahan yang sama. Dan maafkan aku juga kawan..maafkan aku tipu kau..maafkan aku sebab tak bagitahu kau awal2 aku cuma taknak kau sedih. Kau Milik Aku Selamanya Sahabat. Aku akn jaga kau sampai kau jumpa orang yang boleh ganti tempat dia di hati kau.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Friday, 11 November 2011
Sunset Dari Saya
P/s : Maaf semua, setengah picture di atas ada garis putih tu, tak tahu kenapa jadi macam tu,mungkin gambar terlalu besar kot, ntah lah..nak lebih clear si lihat di laman Flickr saya.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
My Bestfriend
Ermm, nampaknya penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya tidak dapat dilaksanakan seluruhnya. Hihi, maaf guys, aku rasa aku buat blog ni pun sebab aku nak tunjukkan perubahan pada diri aku. Hehe, sebenarnya di sini tempat aku share segala keseronokkan aku sama ada yang manis atau duka. Di samping menunjukkan hasil2 photo yang aku shoot sendiri dan edit sendiri, sebenarnya dah lama aku tak update blog aku ni kan, ada update semua pasal photo aku shoot, tapi bila aku letak dia jadi macam lain pulak jadinya. So, aku remove balik. Aku rasa aku tak pernah kenalkan siapa sahabat baik aku kan. Aku juga ada sahabat baik macam korang semua. Banyak, tapi semua ada kat sabah. Sekarang aku ada dapat sahabat kat KL, dia sangat baik dengan aku dan sangat understanding.
Mulanya, aku not sure boleh akrab dengan dia sebegini rupa. Dan sekarang kami rapat sangat. Ada satu benda yang buat aku sedih juga. Yang kenalkan aku pada dia, sahabat baik aku merangkap BF kepada kawan aku ni, aku pun rindu dia juga, dia sangat baik dengan aku dan kawan2 aku yang lain. My semester break kali ni boleh lah tahan, betul2 aku qada tidur aku. Best! Tak lama lagi semester 4 akan datang. Tak lama lagi dan ini bermakna kembali untuk focus. Lupa nak bagitahu result aku, Alhamdulillah semua subjek yang aku duduki LULUS dengan baik. AMIN! aku rasa Allah kali ni dah bagi aku peluang terakhir, dia masih beri aku lulus 1 subjek ni, sebab aku rasa aku takkan lulus, dan aku memang dah bersedia, tapi alhamdulillah LULUS, walaupun pointer aku jatuh, tapi aku tak salahkan sesiapa, ini sebagai pengajaran untuk aku. Dan aku dah menyesal dan azam aku untuk semester 4 ni untuk menaikkan semula pointer aku! Insya-Allah aku dan betul2 nyesal dan aku akan beri peluang kepada diri aku untuk perbaiki kesilapan aku, aku jujur katakan. Aku sangat lalai semester 3 ni, mungkin sebab aku dah rasa pointer aku dah stabil,tapi aku silap once kita make mistake hanya 1 mata mampu pengaruhi pointer aku.
For semester 4, aku nak buat the best in my life. InsyaALLAH kali ni aku akan cuba dapatkan DL. Macam sahabat aku pernah cakap pada aku " Allah takkan merubah nasib seseorang hamba itu jika bukan dirinya sendiri merubah nasib nya sendiri " so, aku paham makna itu " Jangan cakap sesuatu yang buruk selagi kita tak nampak takdir kita itu " MAAFKAN LAH AKU WAHAI POINTER KU, aku dah jatuhkan kau, bagi aku peluang untuk tebus salah silap ku, untuk aku maju ke depan bersama kawan2 ku. Allah Maha Penyayang, Dia taknak aku repeat paper, Dia berikan aku LULUS semua subjek supaya aku nampak bahawa Allah sangat menyayangi hamba2Nya walaupun mereka leka. So, lepas ni aku taknak leka2 dah, solat jangan tinggal. Syukur Alhamdulillah sekali lagi aku lulus. :)
sekian untuk post kali ini
Thursday, 20 October 2011
After Final Examination !!
Hi guys, sorry cause in a few weeks ago, I'm too busy and not having time to update my blog, so today in my entry is all about my holiday with my best buddy which is Amiera Wahap at Genting Highlands. So enjoy to looks my picture okay.
Grr!! Chicken Boxing for my dinner! |
There you are! Me after editing my picture, hehe |
Yupz, amiera and me together :) |
is it okay? |
Me |
So, I think that's all for today. I'm so sleepy. Good night :)
Skin Al-Razi
Monday, 26 September 2011
Oh Lovely....
Pressure!!! Paper accounting why you so hard?? But, I still can answer that paper, overall my friends say it's too difficult, yap.. some question maybe...Okay today at 9 o'clock morning I have to sitting on my paper MGT215, I guess? MGT= business :). I like that part (business) huahuahua. I'm hope this paper quite easy for me. Hoping!
No story that interesting I wanna share with you guys, cause I'm only focus on my final exam for this semester. Oh ya! To all photography outside there KLPF is back! Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2011. AND ADMISSION FREE!!
Organised by Photo Creator Publication, this grand annual festival has won recognition as ‘the’ event that promotes the art in photography, encourages interaction and extends the exploratory experiences amongst our readers, photography enthusiasts and travellers. It is an interactive, discovery and business-boosting event.
Visitors to the hottest & biggest imaging event of the year will get to
No story that interesting I wanna share with you guys, cause I'm only focus on my final exam for this semester. Oh ya! To all photography outside there KLPF is back! Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2011. AND ADMISSION FREE!!
Date : 7th-9th October 2011
Time : 11.00a.m - 9.00p.m
Venue : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2011 (KLPF) is back for the 15th year with a touch of class!
KLPF is Malaysia’s biggest and hottest imaging event with a combination of photography and travel elements. It is a gathering of the photography and travel fraternities with action packed programmes. The three-day event will see a big line up of who’s who in the photographic industry presenting their latest innovations in technology and designs that will put them ahead of the game.
With the support of our exhibitors and more than 100,000 visitors our KLPF in 2010 was a great success. This year, the KLPF 2011 brings to you an unforgettable CLASSIC experience with the theme “Black & White”!
- Experience the latest innovations in digital cameras, printers and imaging solutions showcased by more than 80 major brand exhibitors.
- Select from a wide variety of accessories, gadgets and services.
- Gain knowledge from product demonstrations, product services, special guest appearances, stage shows and seminars.
- Feast their eyes on the classic photo exhibitions.
- Snap heaps of photos at the “SNAP ZONE”.
- Network with people from the photography fraternities.
- Savour a myriad of genres at the Photomania slideshows.
- Soak-in exciting travel experiences by seasoned travellers at Travelmania talks.
- Shoot their way to win exciting prizes in contests and activities.
- Chance upon more surprises.
The theme for the photography exhibition of year 2011 is “Black and White”. Black-and-white photography often connotes something classic, nostalgic, historic, artistic or elegant.
It’s all about a CLASSIC experience!!!
At every nook and corner, there will be definitely something that takes your fancy. With all these and more, get hyped up for the KLPF—the best destination for you to arrive at.
Admission to this photography festival is free for the general public. For more information, please log on to www.klpf.com.my or email to klpf@pcp2u.my or call +603-9281 8039, +6016-715 1703.
Guys, meet you there! :)
Skin Al-Razi
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Hi guys, I already sit for 2 paper it's mean I have 4 paper to go. Praise to Allah, I can answer for paper CTU231 but a bit tough also. :)
It's only a direct question but maybe student think to deep until can't answer that paper, like me. hohoho.
4th October please come faster,please,please,please.....
Tomorrow I have more paper which is Far200(accounting), ermmm..this paper quite tough and all student call it KILLER PAPER for student that taking this course. I hope I can score this paper like previous semester. Please be nice ya far200. :(
It's only a direct question but maybe student think to deep until can't answer that paper, like me. hohoho.
4th October please come faster,please,please,please.....
Tomorrow I have more paper which is Far200(accounting), ermmm..this paper quite tough and all student call it KILLER PAPER for student that taking this course. I hope I can score this paper like previous semester. Please be nice ya far200. :(
InsyaAllah, FAR200.....~~
Skin Al-Razi
Next Day~
Hi guys, I'm afraid today cause my exam start at 9 o'clock until 11, I guess?? :) . I didn't prepare anything yet loll, guys I miss my buddy so much! Grr!! Can't wait for 4th October cause on that day, it's my final paper for this semester!! Yeahhhh!
What are you doing right now buddy? Did you miss me? Or maybe you already forget me? Hurmm, seriously I wanna meet you again. Hope you are not bored meeting me always.
Keep this picture ya friend :)
What are you doing right now buddy? Did you miss me? Or maybe you already forget me? Hurmm, seriously I wanna meet you again. Hope you are not bored meeting me always.
Keep this picture ya friend :)
Is it suitable for us to be a modelling friend ?? Guess what??:) |
Skin Al-Razi
Friday, 23 September 2011
Hi guys, today I have learned something new which is (edit gombol) hahaha. So pity with me guys, others already know how to edit their picture, but me?? Kih3, whatever! At least, I know a little bit. Tomorrow I have paper, great! and now I'm still sitting in front my laptop without read any books?? Wow, excellent student haa! Okay2, after update my blog, I will off my laptop and start to read books! CTU231,FAR200 and MGT215 please be nice with me, hope I can answer these paper with smiling on my face. Like this :)
Actually, I don't have mood to study, I don't know why? Maybe because I was still upset with my carry marks especially ACCOUNT! Oh God,
Hi guys, today I have learned something new which is (edit gombol) hahaha. So pity with me guys, others already know how to edit their picture, but me?? Kih3, whatever! At least, I know a little bit. Tomorrow I have paper, great! and now I'm still sitting in front my laptop without read any books?? Wow, excellent student haa! Okay2, after update my blog, I will off my laptop and start to read books! CTU231,FAR200 and MGT215 please be nice with me, hope I can answer these paper with smiling on my face. Like this :)
Actually, I don't have mood to study, I don't know why? Maybe because I was still upset with my carry marks especially ACCOUNT! Oh God,
Holiday???hehe |
Skin Al-Razi
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Hi guys, how are you today? Hurmm, I got up late again!!! Grrrr!! I just got up at 3 p.m, I went to shower, wash clothes and take my lunch. After that, I started studying for the subject account. I worry if this semester my pointer will going down. Huh, if that happen to me, I am entitled to get it because I am not serious during in classes.
But, I think it's not late for me to change my fate because it has not happened yet! :) . Great! so let start do some exercise. I can't wait for finished this semester because I wanna focus 100% towards my DSLR, my lovely one. Yeppy2!!
I think that's all for today :) . See you all in the next post :)
But, I think it's not late for me to change my fate because it has not happened yet! :) . Great! so let start do some exercise. I can't wait for finished this semester because I wanna focus 100% towards my DSLR, my lovely one. Yeppy2!!
I think that's all for today :) . See you all in the next post :)
Peace No War! |
Skin Al-Razi
First post from me
Hello2, this is my new blog, the other one I am not use it anymore, because no stories I want to share with you guys. Okay, so this is my first post, I think in this blog I just want to use English word, so if my sentences is not proper, please correct me.
Name : Secret for my real name( just call me skin)
Age : 19 ( still young dude!)
Working/studying : Of course studying, hurm at College Poly-Tech Mara,KL
Course : AC110 ( Accounting )
Semester : 3
Hobby : Many and one of them -PHOTOGRAPHY! arghh! since I got one, I am really addict with him ( my lovely one)
Like : make a joke, hangout with my friend along the streets(hahahaha), watching movie, sleep, chatting and etc.
Hate : backstabber! cheating on me, and many of them.
Love : hihihi, of course my family, friends and my BFF( guess who????)
Name : Secret for my real name( just call me skin)
Age : 19 ( still young dude!)
Working/studying : Of course studying, hurm at College Poly-Tech Mara,KL
Course : AC110 ( Accounting )
Semester : 3
Hobby : Many and one of them -PHOTOGRAPHY! arghh! since I got one, I am really addict with him ( my lovely one)
Like : make a joke, hangout with my friend along the streets(hahahaha), watching movie, sleep, chatting and etc.
Hate : backstabber! cheating on me, and many of them.
Love : hihihi, of course my family, friends and my BFF( guess who????)
Lunch Time! Grrr!! |
Skin Al-Razi
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